Rural Development Programme, 2014-2020
I. Description of a project funded under the 1st Call for Proposals under Measure 4.2
Informing the public on the activities performed by Pivka perutninarstvo, which are supported under the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme.
The 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme is a joint programme of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission based on which grants can be obtained from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Activity Name: Improvement of business processes and introduction of new technologies in the meat facility.
Pivka perutninarstvo responded to a 2016 call for proposals, namely 4.2 Grants for investments in processing, marketing and development of agricultural products for 2016, in order to obtain a grant to acquire more advanced technology enabling the production of products of higher quality. Another aim of the investment is to increase productivity thereby reducing production costs.
Core Activities
The main aim of the presented investment is to acquire more advanced technology enabling the production of products of higher quality. Another aim of the investment is to increase productivity thereby reducing production costs.
The investor is primarily pursuing the following main objectives:
• modernising technological processes
• improving production quality
• increasing the ability to compete
• reducing cost per unit produced
• raising income.
Expected Outcome
The investment will reduce labour costs, improve effectiveness and raise meat quality.
II. Description of a project funded under the 2nd Call for Proposals under Measure 4.2
Informing the public on the activities performed by Pivka perutninarstvo, which are supported under the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme.
The 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme is a joint programme of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission based on which grants can be obtained from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Activity Name: Investment in technology and procurement of a prefabricated tent.
Pivka perutninarstvo responded to a 2017 call for proposals, namely 4.2 Grants for investments in processing, marketing and development of agricultural products for 2017, in order to obtain a grant to acquire more advanced technology enabling an increase in production efficiency, improvement in current products and development of new ones.
Core Activities
The main purpose of the presented investment is to acquire new technology enabling pr
oduction of new and better products. Another aim of the investment is to increase labour productivity and achieve savings by reducing direct production costs. The subject matter of the business plan is an investment in technology and procurement of a prefabricated tent.
The investor is primarily pursuing the following main objectives:
• modernising technological processes
• improving production quality
• increasing the ability to compete
• reducing cost per unit produced
• introducing three new products
• raising income.
Expected Outcome
The technology we want to acquire is intended for improving current production lines and raising the ability to compete. The purchase will create an opportunity to improve current products and devise new ones. Productivity will be raised and complaints reduced resulting in improved competitiveness of our products.

III. Project: Let Us Go Together Towards Better Food
Pivka d.d. is a partner in the Let Us Go Together Towards Better Food scheme co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
The purpose of the scheme is to establish conditions for setting up an efficient system of sustainable supply (primarily of public institutions) with local food and forging short supply chains. The areas included in the partnership had previously lacked a comprehensive approach aimed at dealing with the issue. Several small projects had been carried out in individual areas, funded mostly from the Leader scheme and local sources. Several new cooperatives have been established, market places, notably in urban areas, were given a new lease of life and a certain amount of activities was aimed at informing and raising awareness of suppliers and, in particular, educational institutions.
The proposed scheme aims to apply a comprehensive approach to the issue, considering the existing local supply and the potential for increasing supply and satisfying the demand of end consumers. The intent is to primarily reach out to public institutions (in education, health care and welfare and social services), which are in constant need of good quality food and which cater to some of the most vulnerable groups (children, the sick and the elderly). The activities under the scheme are aimed at removing obstacles to improved operation of the system of local (self-sufficient) supply. Setting up a system of local supply and forging short supply chains require parallel activities both on the demand (public institutions) and the supply (local suppliers) side.
Pivka d.d. will set up the sale of local products and produce in the store at Kal 1.
Notranjska LAS (Local Action Group) (RRA Zeleni kras, d.o.o., LOA d.o.o.)
Snežnik-Nanos LAS (Local Action Group) and Pivka d.d.
Turjak-Kolpa Heritage LAS (Local Action Group)
Dolenjska and Bela krajina LAS (Local Action Group)
Scheme time horizon: 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020