The Path to Excellent Taste Begins with the Right Choice
The fast pace of life does not mean that we have to compromise on quality. Quite the contrary. Pivka has focused heavily on compliance with the highest standards of traceability, safety and quality of meat. Everything is carefully controlled, from the seed of the feed and the conditions of rearing to the highest processing standards, as proven by a number of certificates.
Verified Origin
100% own feed
Highest Standards of Food Production

Easy to prepare, high quality and exceptional flavour.
Rich in high biological value protein, vitamin B complex and unsaturated fats.
Perfect for warm or cold dishes.
The Pivka chicken meat is of the highest quality.

Piščančje meso je enostavno za pripravo, visoke kakovosti in izjemnega okusa.
Bogata z visokovrednimi beljakovinami, vitamini skupine B in nenasičenimi maščobami.
Perutninsko meso je odlično za tople in hladne jedi.
V Sloveniji vzrejeno perutninsko meso je prvovrstne kakovosti.
Fresh Meat
Higher quality meat not only tastes better but also contains all nutrients needed for a healthy and active lifestyle. Pivka Chicken is an excellent source of antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids. Crunchy crust of a chicken will not only invite with its smell and taste but also provide an excellent set of nutrients hidden beneath it.
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